"Yeah, like you're really a girl..."
This is quality. Flash artists should strive for this. I mean, yes, it's repetitive, but it's a flash RPG. All who are free of sin may cast the first stone. Now that we have that out of the way.
The art is amazing for a flash game. It's pretty, it's stylistic, it's pretty much true to what it's supposed to do. Use this as your motivation to get photoshop.
Style. Think about it ; a game about becoming a big name on a website. It's such a concept. Sure, it may seem a little corny, but look who thought of it and got front page'd before you did.
My only complaints : The music loop gets boring after the first 20 times through. Money doesn't really have much value past Amazon. and I think stat gains shouldn't be a constant, throw some form of a variable in there. Random number generator? I don't know.
Remember folks : there's game script in here as well as art script as well as some clever thinking. So when you compare the art style to another flash, stay inside your genre.